Front of Town Hall
200 Main Street, Yarmouth, MAINE 04096
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Sligo Road Property
Silgo Road Property
179 Silgo Road
The nearly 35-acre Sligo Road parcel consists of old fields with a mix of juniper and white pine, and some lovely floodplain forest along the Royal River. A section next to the PanAm Railway track was conveyed to the Yarmouth Water District for their new headquarters, in exchange for what is now the Yarmouth History Center. The Town retained pedestrian access to the rear of the Water District parcel along the river bank. A trail takes you from the parking area to the river bank, and an unimproved trail extends through a beautiful forest along the river’s natural levee. To the north the trail fades into a shrubby and forested wetland by the power lines.
Possible future developments include an improved hand carry boat launch and athletic fields. There is rewarding river scenery both up and downstream for canoeists and kayakers.
This property is a great place for birding in the shrub lands of the open fields and along the river banks. Also look for animal tracks such as otter and beaver along muddy banks and after winter snows.
Head north on Main Street (Route 115) past the East Elm Street traffic light, turn right on Sligo Road. Go 0.4 mile to the Water District just beyond the railroad crossing. Park in the stub-ended turnaround to the left of the YWD parking lot. There is space for 2-3 cars.
Special Notes
Hunting is allowed on this property by permit from Town Hall. Please wear blaze orange during hunting season