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Program Instructor Opportunities

Yarmouth Community Services (YCS) is currently recruiting instructors and course/program ideas for both youth and adults for the 
Fall & Winter 2024- 2025. The key to our program success is based on our qualified instructors and their dedication, enthusiasm, and knowledge. You may have a specific interest, hobby or expertise to share. YCS offers a wide variety of classes, activities, and camps that meet the diverse needs and interests of the Yarmouth community. Adult offerings tend to be one-night workshops, active classes or unique programs. Youth programs tend to be offered for a one or two-week summer camp in fitness, sports, arts, and enrichment. 


Program Date Information


Your program dates should be planned between the dates of September 16 and March 30, 2025. You may also choose to include programs through the end of the school year. For school-aged student programs, you may want to avoid scheduling your program on the following dates: 

  • January 20

  • February 17-21 (February Vacation)

  • April 18-25 (April Vacation)

  • May 26 (Memorial Day)

  • June 19th (Juneteenth)

  • July 4th

  • July 19th (Clam Festival)

  • September 2

  • October 14

  • November 11, 27 - 29

  • December 23-January 1


• To give your program the best chance to succeed, please do not plan on starting your program until the week of September 16 for school-aged programing. This gives participants enough time to register for classes. Programs that start to close to the registration date rarely go!


Program Fee Information

We make every effort to keep our programs affordable and accessible. However, during these fiscally challenging times, we are expected to operate at a “self-sustaining” level. YCS will split the revenue with 70% going to the instructor(s) and 30% going to YCS.


Here’s an example: If the instructor sets the price of the program at $50 per person, YCS would receive $15 (30% of revenue) and the instructor(s) would receive $35 (70% of revenue) per person. 


Please note that lab fees can be charged to the student and are payable directly to the instructor.


All Fall & Winter course proposals must be received by July 1, 2024. If we do not hear from you by then, we will assume that you are not interested in teaching with YCS this season.


Should you have any questions, or need some assistance in helping to create or modify a course proposal, please feel free to call. We look forward to hearing from you and having you as part of our 2024 program team.


To submit a course proposal, please complete the form below. YCS reserves the right to reject any course proposal for any reason. 

Email Mike Caron with any questions or problems or call 846-2406.

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